Southwestern Energy Company (“SWN”) maintains corporate profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. We use these platforms to keep you and our stakeholder audiences up-to-date on our activities and interests. If you choose to follow or like our social profiles, your personal data such as your name and your interest in SWN may be visible to people browsing your personal social profiles.

If you interact with our social media profiles and content posted by us, we may receive personal data about you. Comments about our posts, sending personal messages, following, liking, sharing and tagging our posts are examples of the type of interaction that might generate personal data to us. Depending on your own privacy settings, this may include your user name, profile photo, hometown, email address, phone number and gender.

SWN appreciates your interaction and feedback on social media. We do not moderate comments or posts before they are posted, but we reserve the right, at our discretion, to remove comments, including comments that:

  • Are disrespectful or demeaning in nature, or otherwise insulting to individuals, communities or groups of people, whether they work at SWN or not;
  • Threaten or in any other way disrespect others, whether or not they are directed at employees and/or persons in any way affiliated with the company; or
  • Have the effect of harassing or causing distress.

Moreover, SWN does not accept or tolerate the posting or sharing of images, videos or other audio-visual material that is considered insulting, indecent, intolerant or disrespectful to others. Any digital content deemed inappropriate or disrespectful will be deleted. Spam is generally not tolerated and will be deleted.

In addition to our company social media guidelines stated above, we refer to terms and conditions of, which are generally applicable to any Linked Sites including the social media sites we manage and link to from, and to the following social media platforms’ terms and conditions:





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